How To: How To Blogs & Videos

In the last week, I delved into a couple of different things to do during down time in the Stay At Home quarantine. It allowed me to play with the idea of variations of "How To". Normally it is a video but even a recipe is a "How To" with a different name. Which one is more effective? Of course it depends on how one learns, by reading or doing or seeing, or any combination of the three.

Open up the following blogs to compare different styles of "How To" as you read this blog:
1- Text and Images: Spa Day
2- Text and GIF/Video: Make Up
3- Video: Crafts/Crochet

1) Text & Images
This one shows text and images but they are static, almost like a recipe. This will be more for the person who reads and then does. This is also great for customization, it is impossible to copy and paste a video or GIF and remove the steps you don't want to do and add the steps you would rather do.

2) Text & GIF/Video
This is the middle ground between the readers and cross off as they doers, and the people who need to see more than a static image. The video I did is just a collection of moving images, which is all a video is, but its presented in video format. It also has a different experience when being used, having music and creating its own mood.

3) Video
If you do not offer text with your video, it means all the information that one would get from your video must be found in video. This is great if part of your goal is to get lots of views on your videos. I know I personally watch a video once to get a general idea and then at least one more time with multiple pauses if I need to slowly absorb specific information. This requires more work and time to complete and edit.

You know what surprised me the most? I know that I am better behind the scenes, like once a video is made or making it-I can do wonders with it once made. But I usually avoid getting in any of my videos, this is where you get to see my shy side. This was a great opportunity to not only push my own boundaries but to try and do something I would of otherwise not done. But, it takes a fair amount of cahones to make yourself vulnerable to not only make the video but to post/share it as well. Kudos to those out there that do so on a daily basis!

Otherwise, I love using my iPhone for these things and have also recently seen more videos proudly saying "created with iPhone". So I decided to try that as well. All videos and recordings were completed using iVideos. Not bad for a smartphone video huh? What is your favorite form of How To?

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