Netflix Review: The Circle Brazil

Yesterday we spoke about The Circle, a Social Media Competition. The first season on Netflix is in the US, this one is in Brazil. I personally love different languages, but you do have to pay attention since the captions are in English.

For a basic run down of the game, please see yesterday's blog. Brazil runs the same way the US version did with no major variations. It consisted of 13 contestants, 12 episodes, 5 finalist, and 1 winner. Some of the games were different, for example, Brazilians love to one contestant had to wear a special suit and do dances and other players had to guess what dance it was based off of watching the dance. They got them all right! I dance like a white girl, so not at all unless no one is watching, so it was pretty cool to see the differences in culture.
It had a host voice over and host the finale. The hosts so far have been alright, I can't imagine its an easy job being a host but sometimes for me the host is a deal breaker. Out of the 13 contestants; One was fabulously Gay, One was model-ish but not a model by profession, One was very very curvy, 3 were catfish, One catfish was a brother duo, and 6 were real people and profiles. The five finalist were: One real person, the duo catfish, one real person, One real person, and the gay person. The winner was a real person. Compared to US, Brazil had as many catfish in the game and in finale.

This being the second season that I watched, I was surprised to see that right away the first victim of the catfish hunt are the models. Models usually go on thinking they will be themselves and not lead with their profession and they put a photo up that shows them looking pretty good, its almost like its their job. Because they look so good, they are the first to go. The first elimination happens before connections get made. So a good profile set up is very important. The other thing that surprised me is that a lot of people felt like they needed to lie about their age or profession. More people should just own their age and work, really.

Join me tomorrow as we talk about the next season currently available...France!

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