Story Me Social: Instagram

Welcome back, let's finish our story! Our story ends with Instagram. Honestly speaking, Instagram is one of my favorite and most interacted with social media platforms. I don't use the story feature often though, so looking into it on both Instagram and Facebook was an interesting experience and opened my mind up to adding it to my list of Social Media tools.

Without further ado, let's finish this comparison. With Instagram, we only have the app to work with, so start by opening your app and looking at your feed screen. Your story bar appears below the header and above your feed. This is where you would click to view other story's and add to your own. If you are adding to your own story you start by clicking the Camera in the corner. You will get to a screen that will give you all of the following options, regardless of the filter you choose:

Reverse Camera

Once there, you can go left or right to choose the filter or mode in which you want to create your story:

Type - You pick a background, font, and type verbiage
Live - This will give you the option to go live
Normal - Take a Photo, or use an existing photo (Here is where you get your fun filters)
Boomerang - Makes a repeating mini video
Super Zoom - Makes a zoom in short video with effects
Focus - Takes a focused shot of a face
Rewind - You take a video and it plays it in reverse
Hands-Free - Once you start taking video, it goes until you stop it. 

Above you can see I did a simple Lorem Ipsum story. Similar to Facebook, to interact or respond to to the story goes to messages. I like Instagram for its simplicity, but I have a harder time taking it seriously as it seems more geared towards fun-but it is the application trying to be Snap chat without having to buy it-which I can understand. 

Now that we have Polls and Storys to do, what are we going to post on there? Fabulous photos of course! Join me next month as we go over photos taken via a Professional Camera and your Smart Phone (in this case for me, Iphone).

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