Coronavirus Stay At Home Activities: Spring Cleaning

Yesterday we spoke about looking at what you have and taking this time to complete it or rehome it for someone that would want to complete it. But I can imagine, that like me, when you did this you started to realize how much you have that you don't need. This is a great time to do some spring cleaning!

Before we start cleaning though, look at the supplies in which you will be cleaning with. This is a great time to introduce some natural cleaners and get rid of toxic cleaners. You would be surprised what common household items you can mix that will clean your home better than name brand cleaners.

Starting with the closet, transition your clothes from Winter clothes to Spring/Summer clothes. Freshen them up with a wash to get rid of any smells from storage. This is also a great time to clean any jewelry you have or wear often. Get the smell out of old shoes with Baking Powder, just sprinkle it in the shoe overnight and empty in the morning. From the closet to the bed, vacuum the mattress. If you have a medicine cabinet, this is a good time to go through it.

Heading to the kitchen, start by showing the dishwasher some love. Run some white vinegar through it. While you have the White Distilled Vinegar out, any drain would benefit from having some ran through. Whether you drink Tea or Coffee-give your machines a through wash and soak. Wipe down and disinfect the trash can as well as the fridge. The living room by your kitchen has a TV, Fireplace and Ceiling fan, right? Wipe the tv down with a screen wipe, schedule a routine cleaning and inspection of your fireplace, and dust the blades of the ceiling fan. Steam clean the furniture. Dust the blinds. When the day get’s shady-give the windows a simple wipe down. Once the windows are clean, open them up and air out the house. While the house is airing out, you can wipe down your Washer and Dryer.

Now, I know you are probably looking at this list on your phone as your doing it-but don’t forget about your phone too. Give it a good clean too! While you are cleaning it though, when was the last time you cleaned up what is on the storage of the device? This is a great time to do that. Post those family photos online and back them up! Getting your car cleaned on the inside also helps keep everywhere you are clean.

If you find yourself with a lot of things that you need to get rid of, this is an opportune time to prepare to donate to your local Goodwill or Salvation Army-or to even plan a yard sale!

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