Easter Sunday 2020: Whats in your Basket?

Happy Easter Everyone! In normal circumstances, most of us would find ourselves in church surrounded by friends and family-or off looking for the eggs that the Easter bunny left when he came by last night to all of our houses. I would like to start off this blog by saying my heart is hurting with you and I stand with you guys as we get through this.

Now, I know I am an adult but look what the Easter bunny dropped off at my house for Easter:
I know my "basket" is a nice glass bowl and my bunny is edible, much like the eggs but I love it! Around this time of year, everything comes in the shape of a bunny or egg. That temporary change that happens to everything around us is one of the things about holidays everyone loves. For example, I will show you the unwrapped version of my basket, and you should find yourselves recognizing them.
Yorks and Junior Mints. Those can be bought all year long right? Why does a shape make them special? It is not even so much the shape, as adorable as most people find Bunnies and Eggs, its the change from Normal. I would like you to think about something for a second, let's say you are a company that makes candy and you have your graphics and factories set up (which cost you some money) and now your cost per piece is pretty low. But it's a holiday, time for a new design. A new design is a new set up, new set up costs money. Why does a company change their template for a month? When considering if you should participate in a holiday or short term promotion, ask yourself...do the ends justify the means? For the candy industry, this is a major holiday for candy. Its a go to stocking stuffer.
So Easter hits and you the candy man decides he should partake. If it is Easter when you make this decision, you are too late. You have to be ready in January/February to start production in time to make shipments in April to be a part of the Easter Promotional. So make sure you are ready, not just for Easter, but any of the other holidays to come in 2020.

Let's replace Candy Man and put in Business Owner. I know this is a special year, but I believe most businesses should in some way have holiday promotions. You can try to brand a box of someone elses candy, do a Facebook promotion for an egg dyeing kit, or anything else. Have your business be where the people are when they are there, after the holidays pass-and business commences, you will be remembered in a way your competition (which did nothing for Easter) is not.

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