Causes Sell: Sexy Millenials Marketing

Yesterday we touched on Millennials and Causes. Like my scandalous title? There's a reason for that tittle. As a woman not only in Advertising but affected on a daily basis by Advertising the phrase, Sex Sells, is very relevant. A company in the 1870's started using sexual entendres on their package cover and since then, even in modern day, air hostesses saying "Im Cheryl...Fly Me" has a considerable increase in effectiveness compared to the airlines other ads. I don't know if a lot people realize that while modern sensibilities can see a problem with this tactic of selling, sex is one of the oldest industries that's still alive and active that also happens to be a primal instinct all can relate to (in our own ways).

Why is the advertising power of sex relevant? Because causes for Millennials is like Sex on Tobacco Boxes in the Victorian Era. Let me show you an example, when my husband wanted to go Vegan I started shopping at Sprouts more often. Grocery stores nowadays have more than just food, they have clothes and shoes and toys and medications. One day I was in the frozen section and there was a slipper section randomly there. They were ballet slip like slippers that were nice to the touch and outside friendly. For the price of one of them, I probably could of gotten everyone in my household a pair of slippers from Ross. But I read the package and they were handmade by someone in Africa and my purchase helps a young girl go to college that would otherwise not go. So I buy it and they are amazing. When they eventually die and I have to replace them, I at first can't find them, so I get another random pair and I can distinctly tell you...I miss the other ones. Between the quality and the cause, I would pay that price for them again if I could find them.

Something that I think is amazing about Millennials need to incorporate charity into their companies is that it gives the business a sense of humanity. Especially in Marketing, its important to be a human (even if your marketing from a company page) because your clients are human and connecting every now and again is important. It can also create a stigma that businesses are people and deserve the same rights as people but that is a different discussion. Self employed millennials not only employ themselves and others, but they also give back to the world. With the permanent place of Social Media in this day and age, the world feels so much smaller than I think it used to. Even a shy person like myself had friends in India as a teenager, all thanks to the internet. Heck, my first boyfriend lived in Kentucky...and still does. Distance gets redefined with technology. If distance is not so much a thing to a young person, then the problems of someone in Africa seem a lot more relevant.

 To speak fairly to not only my generation but to previous ones, something I admire about previous generations is that they would not have let only a few fight the good fight and have the rest just support it with money. Previous generations had more heroes and life changers, I can't really say we have millennial role models and crazy people changing history and carving their name. Millennials really only have one or two Role Models, Mark Zuckerberg and maybe Elon Musk? Technology is definitey the way that we are making our mark, but we have yet to redefine something major to society, we have just added to it.

Besides me ranting, what should you get out of reading this? If millennials are part of your audience, you need a cause. It is possible to add a cause to your business by picking an existing charity or creating one with your company name and making a small percentage of purchases go towards said cause. When you pick a cause, be sure that you are active enough in the cause that people can safely tie that to your businesses personality and character. Looking for ideas? Try watching shark tank to see what kinds of solutions those entrepreneurs come up with and your own idea will come to you.

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