Marketing: 33 Touch-Part 1

How did you like doing the 8 Point Touch exercise? I challenge you to go back to the basics and see if you can't do a 33 point touch. It is great to start with 8, but assuming it is successful and you have more money in your marketing budget-why not go for a 33 point touch? I have reposted our ideas as we think on our 33 point touch. 
Mailers - Events

Email - Social Media - Phone Call 

Utilizing the right mix of Physical and Electronic, make a plan to make an 33 point touch by picking from these subjects:  

Newsletters  - Birthdays - Anniversary  - Market Updates - Social Media - Mailers

Quarterly Events:
 Winter - Toy Drive
 Spring - Spring Cleaning
 Summer - Beach Day
 Fall - Pumpkin Pie Give Away

 1- New Year
 2- Valentines Day
 3- St Patrick Day
 4- Easter
 5- Memorial Day
 7- Independence Day
 10- Halloween
 11- Thanksgiving
 12- Christmas
 Winter - Spring - Summer - Fall

You may find that when you are doing this after your 8 point is sucessfull that you will hone in on other ideas you may have wanted to use or had the best results. Using your 8 Point Touch, start to think on how you may want to upgrade it to a 33 point touch plan. Join me next week as I discuss my 33 point touch plan!
P:(657) 246-2298-Email Me - Moxi Zombi Marketing - Blog-Twitter - Instagram - Facebook - Flickr - LinkedIn


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