Netflix Review: The Circle France

The last season of the Circle that is currently out is France! Similar to Brazil, when watching be sure to pay attention and read the subtitles unless you speak French. I know that before I watched it, I already had some expectation since this is the third season I had seen thus far. It exceeded my expectations by being pleasantly different than the US or Brazil version.

This season had 12 episodes and 12 (not the usual 13 contestants). Something I noted when analyzing these to create these blogs, with less people and giving the audience more time to get to know the people before bringing on new ones, this season felt different. I also have to say that I was pleasantly surprised that someone for the first time acknowledged when they got eliminated that they were sorry for being single in the game when in real life they were in a long term relationship. I know many people would think that it doesn't matter if you pretend to be single if you win money, but if that was my partner doing that-it would bother me.
Out of the 12 contestants; there was one awesomely gay player, one model, two duo catfishes, two catfishes, and 6 real people. Of the 5 finalists; one was real, one was real, one was a catfish, one was a catfish, and one was a duo catfish. You would think for how many catfishes were at this table that more people would of been upset but most of these people are surprisingly chill with it. This season felt tighter in general even up until the finale. No host finale, they just go from meeting each other to the winner announcement and group party.

Comparing this to the US and Brazil, there is a similar number of catfishes but different make up. More duo catfishes and most of the finalists are catfishes! I have to say though, I loved one of the catfish duos because it made me think of what me and my bff would be in like 30 years time. This season also had a much stronger sense of teams within the game. For this game, teams to a certain degree are a good strategy but not big teams and the wrong person in your team gets you kicked off. I think its easy to forget when your in the situation that not only do you have to make it to the end but you have to be liked enough to walk away with money.

Join me tomorrow as I delve into the circle more deeply for analysis.

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