Coronavirus Stay at Home Activities: Backyard Games

Yesterday we spent quality time indoors, but now it's time to get some air. The games don't have to stop though, I personally enjoy my share of both indoor and outdoor games. The goal to a good outdoor game is one that is enjoyable and easy to always be prepared for. Let's delve into the outdoor game menu: 

1. Soccer
The classic black and white ball, a goal, and a solid pick of players. You have two teams trying to score in each others goal, some playing defense while the rest play offense. This is a great 30 minute game to tire out kids with too much energy with minimal set up, even if you don't have a goal-you can make one out of anything. You can even get into it by making special shirts for the occasion. 

2. Football
Compared to Soccer, Football has often been called the "American Soccer" as the spanish language dictates futbol (football) to be soccer and Football to be futbol americano (american football). There are in fact no feet involved, unless you count them as the wheels of the player as they get the football down the field. Learning how to hold and throw a football is simple and enjoyable, even if you don't plan on going pro. End zones can be created out of anything, and simple markers can mark your yardage lines. 

3. Basketball
I learned how to play this game from a former friend when I was in grade school. You can get a hoop that connects to your house or that has its own stand. Otherwise all you need is a basketball and people. Shooting is not an easy thing to do, even when you do what the player tells you what to do, it may be tough. This is a game that shows the power of practice and perssitence. Fun ways to play basketball without playing basketball is to play games like Around The World. (RIP Kobe Bryant).  

4. Tennis
This game can be played with two rackets, balls, and people. Typically played with a net, for home purposes, you don't need a net. Something I like to test when I am playing this is that mental tracking of the ball and pairing that to the bodies physical reaction to hitting it in time. There are so many times I feel like I got it and I missed it by a second. Those reflexes that you use in tennis are so valuable outside of the game, that it is worth honing in game. 

5. Badminton
I know some of you are thinking, why are we playing Badminton if we already played tennis? I would ask you this, why are you eating french bread if you had a sandwhich? Because french bread is amazing, and so is Badminton. Using a lot of the same principles as tennis, batminton requires more strategy. With a simple change in tools, from a ball to a birdie, you have to change your whole approach. Most people can hit a tennis ball with power, but can you be a sucessful being subtle with your power? 

6. Bocce
Some of you may have heard of this game, and if you haven' haven't lived yet. I was raised, for most of my teenage years, by an italian step father and his mother and brother. They introduced this game to teenage me and brought out a dusty box with wooden balls inside. Any bocce set will include 4 sets of 2 large wooden balls, in 4 different colors, and one little yellow ball. One person throws the little yellow ball and that markes the "target". The goal is to get the most balls closest to the target. Throwing the the bigger balls is a lot different than throwing the litte balls, and you only have two points to get each round. Its harder than you think and a more laid back game. 

7. Scooter/Bike
But let's say you have had enough of your backyard. I always loved going out on my Scooter and Bike, so take this time to go out the front door instead. What is good, besides a change of place, is that outside has hills and challenges that are good at getting your heart rate up and putting the body in a place of burning calories, and energy. Be sure to maintain your vehicle of choice in between using it, and use safety gear. 

8. Swimming Pool
If you or a friend has a swimming pool, this is a great time to go for a swim as things warm up in summer. Swimming is not only an adult and kid friendly activity, but it is a great way to be active in a way that people with health problems can be active in a safe way. Looking to stay at home? This is the time of year to find those large blow up pools on sale that you can create your own water experience. 

9. Nerf Gun Battles
I can imagine what you are thinking, nerf guns are not generally found next to soccer balls are they? No. But, open up your mind here for a second, running around and chasing eachother can be fun if done carefully. There was one year that for christmas everyone in the family got a really cool and big nerf gun (they are cheaper now then they were then) and once we opened them and loaded up, it was on. After about a half hour, you are out of ammo and can't find your sisters ammo to steal and declare a winner. Until the next round, you can strategize on how to be the winner next time. Just a tip, do this outside if you have pets, they don't understand why they did not get their own nerf gun (LOL). 

10. American Ninja Warrior
...Isn't that a show on TV? If you have seen it and know of it, good on you. If you have not, Sling TV can remedy that next time you are watching TV. What does a TV show have to do with backyard activities? Anyone who is serious on the show in training recreates the activities at home using stuff found at home. What activity on the show can you recreate? Anyone who exercies at home usually has the stuff you need to recreate the show in your own backyard. Remember safety first. 

I know that as a kid I personally preferred to stay indoors and play video games, but my family and I always did sports. I have always felt it was valuable to have done those because as an adult, I would have a hard time watching or understanding sports if I did not live it a little bit before. Sports may not be my viewing of choice, but it is a part of American culture. Stay safe everyone! 

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