The Power of Frequent Blogging

There is truly a power in marketing, but it is an at time subtle power. Recently I spoke about the power of on trend conversations, the trend being the Coronavirus. But there is something else that has sprouted from the Coronavirus for me, and that is the inspiration to finally try daily blogging. A blogs true power is in its consistency.

I know when I first started my blog, I was going at an ok pace and then I took on a job to help friends and my would be husband. After 6 months or so, I switched gears and went back to blogging. It took a little bit of time to get my eyeballs back but I did. Every business has its own audience its important to not only find your audience but to cater to it. If you look at the numbers on your blogs, you will know what your audience wants to hear and not hear. I would always use this analysis to plan my content for the year to come and hope that I get more liked than not liked blogs in the year to come. It's hard to have every blog be a winner but you want more winners not less.

Fast forward to the beginning of this year where I am not only managing my own blog, but 2+ other blogs and having them on weekly posts-I was feeling pretty good. Before the beginning of this year I planned the content for this year and allocated other content to happen in the years to follow, so I can safely say that I have years of content planned (assuming I stay weekly). But it is so good for you and your business to push your boundaries out of your comfort zone. Blog wise, weekly had become my comfort zone. If I had other ideas I would post a couple of days of double posts but it wasn't that consistently.

Recently, if your reading this blog, it is likely you have been reading my other daily blogs. Between my usual source of inspiration (playing video games) and the Coronavirus, I finally broke through my barrier and will have blogged daily for 2 weeks, maybe more depending on what miracles happen in the coming days. What is the effect I am seeing? I am seeing my weekly blogs have less eyes than my daily blogs, even if my daily blogs aren't totally about marketing. Even my off content stuff ends up being about marketing but in a creative way. I also have to add that I have been offered to be an ambassador for a product brand, which is pretty cool.

Something that struck me about Daily versus Weekly blogging, is its impossible not to open up when you blog daily. Which makes sense if you think about it, this blog is a one of many tool building a relationship with my would be customers. If you and I talk weekly, we are close but not that close. If you and I talk daily, then its impossible for me not to trust you with something personal that I might not have otherwise told you.

My plan is to continue daily blogging as much as I can, otherwise once we all go back to work and things get back to normal just go to a "comfortable" pace. When I review my content at the end of the year and plan for 2021, if it looks worth it to go daily then I will plan and execute that. Otherwise, I am here telling you-If you can do it. If you can't, build up to that point where you can. It takes time to write a blog and all anyone wants is for their time to pay off in achieving desired results. Let me know what you think, do you like the daily read?

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