Coronavirus Stay At Home Debate: AM & PM Rituals

Last week the "Stay At Home" was extended until April 30th. For some that means that our routines are being shaken up a bit. But I had an interesting thought, there is always something we claim we would do if we had more time. This is a time where you have more time than normal. So I would like to share and ask you two questions. First one, what is your routine?

AM Routine

Personally, even if I don't go to bed at a proper time, I need to maintain a schedule for the sake of my chronic non-nauseating migraines. For me I am usually up between 6-7 AM and once I am up I shower. After my shower I brush my teeth, brush my hair, lotion as needed, use deodorant, and do my 3 Step Facial. After dressing I make the bed, and this is very important. From my childhood, it was important to my father that you make the bed after you get out of it so that your bed is ready later in the day as well as starting the day on a responsible note. After I leave my room, I feed my cat and get to work.

PM Routine

The days work has been done and it's time to wind down. For me my nightly routine is two part: Prep and Setup. Prep is a daily thing, and setup is a one time thing that once you get right the rest of the nights successful sleep is the pay off.

So if I put on my face in the morning, at night I start by washing it off. Then I enjoy using lotion from Seven7h Sense to help calm my mind as I go to bed, I don't sleep all that well since I have a hard time shutting down things mentally.
Now for set up. Most people sleep in a bed, so this is based on a normal set up. What is different for me is I use a Weighted Blanket, Leg Pillow, and a Sleeping Mask. The sleeping mask helps make it dark, which is the last thing I need in place before my mind itself goes dark. The leg pillow helps with my Sciatica so that I am sleeping in the best position. The weighted blanket evenly envelopes you and makes you less likely to toss and turn. Curious to see if any of this works? If you have a smart watch, like an Apple Watch, then download an app called: AutoSleep. Once you download it, try a couple of nights without any changes and see the results. Then make the changes and see the difference in the results. It may surprise you. 

The second question to you is, what about your routine do you want to change and why? I know for me I would love to add in meditation time. Meditation is good any time of day but it has been said that starting your day out with it is amazing. Can you imagine starting out your day with a spiritual clarity before the noise of the day and notifications cloud up your mind? What are you changing and do you have the persistence to not only start it but continue it?

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