Netflix Review: The Circle-Analysis

So we have talked about the most currently available seasons of The Circle on Netflix. Talking more generally about the show and what it shows us about Social Media is going to be what this blog is about.
Let's start with the type of players. You could see after watching all three that every season has: pairs, catfishes, real people, tweaked profiles, models, curvy people, and gay people. This time we live in full of diversified people and the show reflects that properly. This for the first time for me, showed catfishes in a slightly less negative light? When the contestants spoke about why they were being these people, it was because they cared about them or thought the world of them and being them was better than being themselves. As the seasons pop up, there may be a case to be made for a catfish winning.

Everyone comes in as single. Even if they were in long term relationships, I would assume they got the ok of their partner to do that and everyone played the "I am bi and flirt with anyone card". Being in the room and never leaving and only knowing these people from a screen, its easy to start to fall for someone, how do you think long distance relationships work? But as I said in an earlier blog, I would not let my partner do that or do that myself, so these people forsake love temporarily for money? Does that infatuated piece of cloth printed by the government sway them that much?

As far as gameplay went, honesty was mostly the best policy. Being too honest actually led people to being hurt and crying. But if your talking about strategy, what about the strategy of two heads are better than one? While I would believe that, I think it shows a closeness with the people that choose to come on as pairs that they can meld that well into one person. I did not think so many guys could come on thinking they could be women, we as women are way more complicated than that haha. But even if you came on with fakeness to your profile, after a while it was impossible not to be yourself, you just morphed into your persona with your true self.

Is social media just for the young? One of the nations actually had two old ladies play a young 25 year old lad on the show! They were adorable and made it surprisingly far. Depending on the social media platform you are on, you actually have more old people on social media than young people. For example Facebook has older people on it, which is why more young people go to Snapchat or Instagram to be online away from their grandmothers.

I am going to end this blog on this thought, this is the perfect quarantine show. Not only is it fun to binge and watch while in quarantine, the players themselves are in quarantine. You almost feel like they can relate to you as you are not allowed to leave your house (assuming you are following the stay at home rules). Let me know what you think of the show and if you watch it! Happy streaming!

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