Netflix Review: The Circle US

I watched something on Netflix the other day to get a nice break from Social Media. I enjoy watching game shows of all sorts and found a show that combined Social Media and Game Shows. It is called The Circle, A Social Media Competition. It started in the UK and has since spread to the US, Brazil, and France thanks to Netflix.

What is the Circle about? You have 12-13 People come on, 8-9 people come in the first episode. They move to a big apartment building in the UK that is hooked up to a communication system called...The Circle. The only way you communicate with any other players in the game is via the Circle. As a player, when you come on-you are in total control of your persona and profile. You can be honest, you can be a catfish, or you can be mostly honest and tweak your profession/age. Everyone comes on single, even if they are in a relationship, strangely by choice. You message and get to know one another via games the Circle sets up and at the end of the day you rate your fellow players to your preference. The Circle takes it all in and tallies it to find the two most popular players, these become Influencers and work together/alone/in person to choose someone to eliminate. Over the total 10-12 Episodes, your goal in part one of the game is to make it to the final 5. Part two of the games is the finale, all previous contestants vote who they believe should win the final grand prize (usually $100K). Just before they announce the winner, all five finalists meet one another before seeing all contestants to announce the winner.
In the US version; there were 13 contestants, 12 episodes, 5 finalists, and 1 winner. Of the 13 contestants; there was 1 pair (mother/son), 4 Catfish (usually guys being gals, guys/gals being thinner versions), a fabulously gay person, and a model. This version also had a host doing a voice over through out the show and hosting the finale at the end. The finalist for the US was a Catfish, Real person, Gay person, Real Person, and Real Person. The winner was a real person. I am not going to use names, in case this intrigues you enough to watch the show. I am looking at this, and the other nations to compare and see what this says about Social Media.

So what stuck out to me the first season of the circle I watched? Catfishes have such a bad reputation online, and in game they were hunted and did not end up winning. They called it a strategy to be a catfish, to play as their girlfriends, but it doesn't pay off. Honesty seemed the best policy, but to a point. The more time you have to play the game, the better. If you are considering going on the will not win if you come on too late. The game is about connections on a deep level, and even if you don't win, most contestants were happy to leave with friends if not money. The person that won surprised me, it seems so far that the underdog or person that makes it to the end staying in the middle or top ranking and making friends win, if you look at it from a game perspective.

Join me next week as I discuss the next nation to play The Circle, Brazil!

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