2020 Earth Day: 50th Anniversary during COVID-19

Last week was the 50th celebration of earth day. and like every other holiday, it was celebrated at home. But I think we celebrated the earth in the best way this year, by giving back to it a bit. one of the stigmas of being from California is that places like Hollywood, Beaches, and Los Angeles define us, even if you live in any one of the numerous cities in between. I myself went to college in Los Angeles back in 2010 to 2012, and even then the famous LA smog was just part of its "charm". Since COVID-19, me and my husband recently went to LA for business and it was amazingly clear...clearer than its been in a long time.
But this is just one of many amazing things to have popped up on my social media feed in the last couple of weeks. Something else that popped up that was adorable was Dolphins in Venice! Just like in Vegas, the Venice Canal is famous for Gondola rides, and while tourism is important to any country-I would personally pay to see dolphins there and not so much be on the water. Before this came up on my feed, I had no idea dolphins even had been there. But then if they were there 50+ years ago, how would any of us know? But take a look: 
It's a funny thing, Humans are so advanced and yet we forget we are apart of the circle of life, and the circle needs not just humans but all animals. As humans recede into our caves and wait out this virus, monkeys take over shops in Thailand and goats run churches in Britain. Industrial China can even see its own streets and trees again. More information on that can be found in the video here: 

Now I believe that the earth is something we need to be taking better care of, your opinion on this matter is your own. But speaking to the subject of COVID-19, I believe we need to be taking certain measures but the long term effects on our economy from this need to taken into account as well. The economy is not everything, but something very important to consider. I am eager to get back to normal, or what is going to be our "new normal", and yet I would love to see some of the positives of this shutdown continue be more and more successful. I actually believe this is made worse, on a global and personal level, due to choices that we make as people and we can better protect ourselves for not only this outbreak but future ones. 

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