The Power of Finishing and Relevancy

With all this down time that comes up, even if you work from home, comes the resurgence of all of our hobbies. I know that I found myself on my handheld device again, the first time in a long time. I was thinking about a game I haven't played in a while, Cake Mania. I thought by now it would of been an app, but it is not so I brought out my device and it took me almost half an hour to get passed the level I was on. The memory of why I stopped playing all of a sudden came back to me. But since I had my hand in my player and games-I took a second to look at all my games.

I know that I love to finish what I start no matter what, and in my mind the thing I was finishing was getting a holder to hold all the games and I was going to finish filling it up. So when I was out and about I would grab old school games on the cheap. In the start of the shut down, I got enough games to fill the book. Woo! But then I got to thinking, even though I have more games and it is not taking up any more space than less games did-how many have I actually played? It is nice to be able to work hard and own the things you want to own, even if they are weird (like retro games). But make sure if you spend money on it, you spend time to use it.
You will see above that I have one system from childhood, which is more of a momento than used (but still works!). The other is a newer device, a 2DS. You see Nintendo came out with multiple devices: Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy DS, Gameboy 2DS, Gameboy 3DS, and recently the Wii U/Nintendo Switch. My older device is a Gameboy Color and my newer device is a Gameboy 2DS. Some systems that did not survive my childhood would be the Gameboy Advance SP and DS. Something amazing about the DS was that it played both Gameboy Advance games and DS games. A reason I got the 2DS as an adult is that it plays not only DS games, but 3DS games. Its funny how things change over the years, systems get bigger and games get smaller, to being only download cards now.

Gameboy color games are hard to find, so if I have some and don't play it, I don't feel so bad about that. I will usually grab a tittle for a decent price and nostalgia. However, DS games are not retro enough to be unfindable so there is significantly more there.
Most of those are decently priced, some DS titles still actually retain their value to this day. DS did much better than 3DS games, despite having better graphic abilities. The 3DS line is still alive but not active. I have some 3DS games as you can see below: 
Why bring this up? Besides a random history lesson on Nintendo, is to show that it is easy to simply gather for the sake of gathering but have it be for a waste in the long term. In the short term I loved looking for the games and keeping them safe. But I have maybe played 25% of that whole collection. What could I have done with the money saved on not buying the 75% that I did not yet play? As my husband would say, I have no regrets, but I wish to illustrate to you the responsibility of not only spending wisely but to use what you have. 

This is also a great time to be a good friend and neighbor, does someone you know like this and would use this if they had this? Rehome what you can live without and you have no idea how much simple joy and happiness you could be bringing to someone who can't live without this. Finishers get the trophy at the end of the race, be a finisher! 

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