Coronavirus Stay At Home Game: DIY Mash

I was on Facebook the other day and got inspiration for this blog for a quarantine themed MASH. It is really an interesting time to have a business that involves social media, because quarantine is bringing out as much brilliance as it is bringing out negativity. For anyone that does not know MASH, besides being a great Army TV Show from the 70's, it is also a Childs Paper game that I myself played at the schoolyard. As kids we have imagination filled games about what our future is going to be like. MASH stands for Mansion, Apartment, Shack, and House.

How to play traditional MASH:
You would put MASH on the top of the page and then put other columns for the other as important factors as your home- Your Partner, How many kids you are going to have, and what car you are driving. You would then draw a spiral and stop randomly, how many spirals you drew was how many times you went around the options before crossing one off. You would go around crossing off until you had one option left in each category. When you had one option left in each category, you would fill in the phrase, "You will marry (partner) and have (no of kids) and drive (car) and live in (MASH". Yes it is just a game, but it did suck when you got the option that your friend picked for you for a partner and was stuck in a shack. 

When the inspiration struck me last night, I decided to bring this game into not only the modern day but into the world of quarantine. Something else I have seen is that there are new pick up lines being created for anyone trying to date in this time like, "Let's be quarantined together". So, here is my example for a COVID-19 version of mash: 
That above is just a template. These are fun to create, and I actually did crazier versions than this when I was a kid. I would have like 10 extra categories so that by the time we came down to the phrase, my whole future was thought out. Everything from pets to kids to jobs to cars to income. So to have some fun, I filled in my example of COVID-19 Mash. 
And to be that much bolder, I made a gif of me filling it out, and just to warn you I did that thing where my results came out way to perfectly (LOL): 
Honestly, it was pretty fun to hit up an old game and to modernize it a bit. Try doing this with your friends and family and let me know how it goes! What rules did you change up? What columns did you add?

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