Time, Money, and Saleable Skills

Most people have heard the phrase "Time is money and money is time" or as my husband would like to say, "when you don't have money you have time and you DIY, but when you need your time and have money you pay for services you couldn't afford before". Well, some people during this time of the Coronavirus have time, money, or the both. And even if things seem bleak you always look to the future to stay positive. What can you be doing now to be a force to be reckoned with when normal comes back?

1) Language

Most people learned a second language in high school, but chances are you don't use it often. Language is a great way to distinguish yourself from other applicants as well as to get further in your career. You have more value for a company if you can help it cater to multiple languages with its customers, for this I would suggest using apps like Duolingo.

2) Skill

Maybe your baking or cooking skills are not the greatest. Or you can't put together a table and would make a terrible handyman. Why not do some self analyzing and see what could be stronger and grow said areas? Try seeing anyone who is still hiring in your neighborhood to try out new skills or offer neighborhood help by sharing dishes you create.

3) Music

Maybe your career doesn't end up being in music, but people who are musically inclined tend to be better at everything else they do. So this is a great time to teach yourself how to sing, dance, or play an instrument. This could even be a family thing where everyone forms a family band, like rockband back in the day. A great app for this is Yousician.

Another thing I have seen pop up a lot is certifications and online classes that are discounted, or free. This would be another great way to have not only utilized this down time but to come out on top when things are normal. Where most people are seeing this as a time to despair, you are using this time to better not only the now but the future!

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