Photographers on Photography: Part 2

No matter what industry you are in, it is never a bad idea to take time to learn from the masters. Let's move on to part two of four.

Photographers on Photography: How The Masters See, Think, and Shoot: Part 2

Richard Misrach: He loves to play with the relationship between Beauty and Photography to pose great questions.

Tacita Dean: In a digital world, something as changing as the Photograph calls on a natural longing for physical things.

Amalia Ulman: She utilizes social media and photography to play the modern game of make believe that everyone can't get enough of-showing the true power of communication via photography.

Alison Jackson: Using the strange emotional bond that strangers have with celebrities, she photographs celebrity look alikes in photos that are crazy enough you want to believe them.

Harley Weir: She sees the camera as a gun, with the unseen eyes of the audience loaded inside. Creating a third party or third dimension to her photos using her camera.

Esther Teichmann: Instead of overthinking the photos, she becomes part of the environment and camera and follows her instincts to create a photo that feels as natural as the shoot.

Gary Winogrand: How you frame the shot has intention in how you are choosing to present the facts being cemented in the photograph.

Jason Fulford: His photographs have no fixed meeting because he knows you will add your own meaning to them and allows for this in his taking of the photo.

James Welling: Most people expect a photograph to show something literal, when his photos are merely the product of light. But due to our own expectations, we can see horizons and fields in them.

Lisette Model: Anyone can take a photo, and make it a great photo at that. But a great photo to her is full of characters and compositions of the normal people.

Richard Misrach: Personnel Carrier Painted to Simulate School Bus
Tacita Dean: Veteran Too
Amalia Ulman: Untitled from Excellences and Perfections
Alison Jackson: Wills Tries Crown on Kate
Harley Weir: September 2016
Esther Teichmann: Untitled from Heavy The Sea
Gary Winogrand: Central Park Zoo
Jason Fulford: Page from Raising Frogs for $$$
James Welling: #5 (Degrade)
Lisette Model: Sailor and Girl,

I honestly thought that I kept up with photography, being as I am active in the industry but some of the ideas of these modern photographers caught me off guard. Who would of thought? Join me next week for part 3 of 4! 

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