The Power of On Trend Conversations

You know, for a while I had no real personal stance on the Coronavirus. I was just sitting in the "audience" if you will as the COVID-19 show plays before all of our very own eyes. Well, the update of the sheriff's not doing evictions during the Coronavirus finally broke me and I had to speak up about it. So after that I took the internet world to finally join the COVID-19 conversation.

So I wrote up a piece on COVID-19 and posted it to multiple clients. But as I did so, something struck me as interesting. I posted the same (mostly same) Coronavirus article to three different blogs/companies:
A) Marketing Company - 4 Social Media Channels
B) Real Estate Company - 4 Social Media Channels
C) Property Management Company - 3 Social Media Channels

Each company has a different target audience/social media audience so the metrics play out differently, even if the content is the same-which makes for a great experiment. The other differentiating factor was timing-I always post in the morning for the companies, but this time I posted between 3-4 PM on a Monday. I posted it from 3-4 PM on all three channels and checked the metrics between 5-6 PM, the results are in:

A) Marketing Company - 8 Views
B) Real Estate Company - 2 Views
C) Property Management Company - 8 Views

An effective blog is daily or weekly, and I know the marketing blog is weekly. The real estate and property management blog is weekly when I have enough content to do so. It can often take a week if not longer to get those kind of metrics on other blogs posted weekly, and that was in 1 maybe 2 hours? It has been said that more people are available in the afternoon than the morning, and this might just prove them right.

I actually, before this blog went live, decided to check the numbers and see where they are at today:

A) Marketing Company - 17 Views
B) Real Estate Company - 4 Views
C) Property Management Company - 11 Views

Obviously numbers change from day to day but again-it can take up to week (maybe more) to otherwise get numbers like this. Something else to note too is if there was a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place competition between A, B, and C- in the beginning it might have looked like A or C could take the lead but given less than 24 hours, you start to see the difference in Audience/Target Market play out and present a winner of sorts.

What I think it is, is a combination of more people at home (due to the coronavirus), posting in the afternoon, and being on trend. Every now and again popping an blog you can get behind that also happens to trending is good to maybe bring some of those eyeballs to other blogs once they are done reading the trending blog. Its similar to a tactic used in Retail, everyone wants the clearance but the clearance section is usually placed by full priced seasonal stuff that you might get as well as your clearance stuff.

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