COVID-19 Update from Moxi Zombi Marketing

Is it just me or have you also noticed how ransacked most stores look-if they are even open? Or how we are creating Toilet Paper Millionaires and a generation of Coronial Babies? By the time you are reading this, it is very likely that everyone in the world knows (or thinks they know) about the Coronavirus (aka COVID-19). It has impacted lives around the world in Personal, Professional, and in some cases Tragic ways. I would like to take a moment to talk about what the Coronavirus is, the impact it is having, and what you can/should be doing about it. The best way to combat a virus, or anything for that matter, is to: 1. Inform yourself 2. Make a plan 3. Make that plan happen-the rest is out of your hands.

Let’s start by getting to know the enemy a little bit. What is the Coronavirus? “It is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The virus that causes the virus is a novel coronavirus that was first identified during an investigation into an outbreak in Wuhan, China” (CDC). While is estimated that the virus has an animal source, it spreads currently from person to person. Close contact or touching a surface with the virus and then touching your face is a way you can contract the virus. The symptoms are Fever, Cough, and Shortness of Breath. This is for more severe cases. Less severe cases have symptoms of Runny Nose, Sore Throat, and Cough. Sounds a lot like a cold doesn’t it? The Coronavirus in severe cases can have long term effects on the respiratory systems, but if your symptoms are severe-please don’t hesitate to go see a doctor.

What is the result of the virus turned into a Pandemic? Californians age 65+ are, at this time, being suggested to isolate themselves at home. Major destination attractions, such as Disneyland, are closed for 2-4 weeks (possibly longer). For Californians age 64-, Social distancing is suggested-basically you are being told to stay home, no matter what age you are. Bars, Wineries, Nightclubs, and Brewpubs should be closed, according to Governor Newsom. Restaurants and other stores can be open, but with occupancy cut in half. I have even seen some places adjust their hours or turn into To-Go only places. Half of the schools in the state are closed, across all grade school levels. Temporary bans on Evictions is in place all over California. The feds cut interest rates to…0%…and put 1.5+ trillion dollars into the economy hoping to breath some life back into it. Normal life as we know it ceases to function and we are all going to have to pay the true price for this in the years to come.

So now the question is, what can you do? You can avoid close contact with those who are sick. You can avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. You can wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Is there a vaccine? Not yet, I am sure one is in the works. If you find yourself sick, stay home and rest. Make sure your home is clean. Otherwise, resting and being healthy and keeping your immune system in a good place is a great way to beat any virus and age-old advice. This is a time to band together, to be smart, and to realize this pandemic is bigger than any one group or political party-it is a global issue and only as one strong globe can we get through it.

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