Emojis: Pleasure, Business, or Both?

There is a strange trend happening that I was thinking about the other day. I started my day and checked my email, and there's the usual emails and then there are the emails from shops and vendors and spam that you mull through and delete daily. Have you ever stopped to look to see how many of those emails have emojis? For me, it is at lease 2-3. Then you are going about your day, you have plans to be in Huntington Beach that day and you let your contact know you are on you way, and they respond with a Thumbs Up emoji. Later on, the day is winding down and you scroll down Facebook and see what the world is up to and in the process of scrolling down-you see 5+ posts with emojis.

These days, you see emoji's as often as you see hashtags. I remember when emoji's were just starting to be a thing, it was usually younger people using them amongst themselves. There was literally an Emoji Movie that came out not that long ago. Emoji Movie. Who would of thought that smiley face we sent to our friends when we were not supposed to be texting would be the basis for a movie you can pay to watch in theaters?

So now we get to the meat of this blog; are emojis for business, pleasure, or both? Emoji's seem to be business friendly as businesses are using them in their communications to customers whether that is via Email, App Notifications, and Social Media Status Updates. Pleasure wise, they seemed to have exploded from where they started from. There is an app called Bitmoji where you can turn yourself into an emoji and create an emoji for every kind of situation and holiday. This may seem familiar, lots of people use this to post updates or holiday posts in leu of using general holiday images on Google.

So, it is safe to say that for now-the emojis have arrived and anyone one or business can and is using them. If you like emojis, go for it. Join me next week as dive more into the why and how of emojis.

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