Holiday Marketing

We are nearing September, Labor Day weekend has yet to pass. I'm sure that like me, you have seen count down to Christmas memes on your social media. The holidays are coming everyone! Lot's of plans are being made personally but if you are a business, not only are you preparing your business and employees for it- you as a business need to commemorate it some how.

When do you start thinking about holiday emails or company Christmas cards? Now is the time!

Do you send something for every holiday coming out? Depends on you!

10/31 - Halloween: Some companies do a simple post, other companies looking for more engagement try to host their establishment as a family fun center on Halloween night. Photo booths can pay for themselves if you have guest rsvp and you get business out of it to propel you into the end of the year.

11/4 - Day Light Savings: Posts are great for this, also a checklist of all that you would need to adjust for when your clocks go back an hour, as it is easy to forget to change the time on the stove even though our phones automatically adjust to the new time.

11/11 - Veterans Day: Appreciation days are good, maybe partnering with other business alliances to work with local restaurants to provide discount meals to vets.

11/22 - Thanks Giving: Some people really like sending out Thanksgiving cards and not Christmas cards, and vice versa. Otherwise, Turkeys for employees are good, food can drives to donate to local shelters are great too. Pie giveaways this time of year are also wonderful.

11/23 - Black Friday: This has turned into a holiday, this is when quite a few people do their shopping. I would try to get a piece of this pie, depending on your industry, and offer a deal or special for that day. Wouldn't it be nice to make money on holiday to spend money for the upcoming holidays?

11/26 - Cyber Monday: This is an extension of black Friday but for the digital world. If applicable offer a deal, or maybe share a place with deals to be a provider of helpful information.

12/24 - Xmas Eve: By now, if you have decided to send out a holiday card or email-it should be received by now. Parties as well are best planned in early December as this time of the month for a lot of people is family or vacation. Looking for interaction on this day? Have people share their Christmas highlights!

12/25 - Xmas: This can be a busy day for some businesses, but otherwise just enjoying the day and maybe having others share how they are enjoying is a nice way to add a "human" touch to your business.

12/31 - New Years Eve - All major holidays are passed and now the big hoopla is the upcoming year and what you are going to do with it, posts are always good. A way to make things interactive is maybe put out your goals for the next year and let your customers be your "accountability" partner and help you reach that goal.

While these are all good ideas, and while some of them may be impossible to apply to your business, the important thing is that you have a plan for the holidays and set aside resources to make those happen or call and schedule the supplies lots of businesses that get busy around this time of year are already booking days months in advance.

What ideas do you have to celebrate the holidays as a business? We would love to hear them! See you next week- same time same place!

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