Going Live: Twitter

Welcome back! Let's review our 2nd place winner in the Live contest-Twitter. Did you know that Twitter actually had the technology to go live before Facebook did? Funny how one can have the idea but someone else can popularize it and almost take the credit.

As far as functionality goes, you can find the go live button in the same area as the post area is on both computer and mobile. There are less filters which lends itself to have a better video quality with the opportunity to name and describe your live video.

Besides the fact that, even I was surprised to learn you could go live on Twitter, not very many people actually use twitter for videos-live or not. The bigger trend on Twitter is simple posts, GIF's, and polls.

I liked Twitter as a going live platform compared to FB/IG-and I would challenge you to get someones attention on Twitter by starting the trend of going live more on Twitter. This is a great opportunity to right a great wrong!

Congrats to our 2nd place winner, and come back next week for the review of our 1st place winner in the live contest-LinkedIn!

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