Different Video Types: Iphone

Welcome back! Let's finish out the Iphone blogs with the videos. When you open up the camera app, there are about 8 options for the type of photo you want to take. The below photos are ones that actually end up being videos when said and done. I have used different figures from Exploding Kittens to show how they end up looking and thought about why you would use one versus the other.

Time Lapse:
After doing this and reviewing this, I thought that this might be good for a sneak peak preview of a product. 

This short video has a simple sense of drama, and would be good for showing a worker in action-or yourself. 

This is a normal video, and if you don't like going live, this is nice to grab a "live snippet" to upload and use as a teaser for going live or for an event.

Yes this was mentioned on the previous blog, this is both a photo and an interactive photo depending on where you post it (aka Facebook). 

Next month, I would like to walk with you through Photography Masterclass: Creative Techniques of 100 Great Photographers - where we can help incorporate ways to make our photography better and enhance our marketing results!

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