Different Photo Types: Iphone

Yay for epic smart phone photos! I am sorry to say that this will only focus on Iphone, but I do not have an android. I had one once, and I went back to Apple. If you like the following two blogs and want me to do it in android, let me know and I will borrow my husband's phone. We are going to be analyzing the different photo types on Iphone and why you might use one over the other. The subject of our photos is going to be characters from a game called "Exploding Kittens". 

This is your normal photo. Could be used for most occasions, as most people would say this looks nice and does the job. 

When taking this, my phone told me to go further back. It actually wanted me to go further back then this. Definitely a good choice for people shots. I appreciate the quality, and some photos are better seeing more of the background but having the person be in good focus. 

The square shot seems bigger than the normal shot, when in fact it is actually smaller. This is a great use for a shot you really want to focus in on one thing and you don't care about your background at all. Maybe for a product? 

Lastly is the Panorama. Keep your hand steady when you take this, and this in my mind doubles as a photo and a video. Why? Because when you upload this to Facebook, you can interact with the shot and that gives it video like quality. 

Join me next week as I discuss the types of videos you can take on your mini computer in your pocket and purses! Let me know which photo (or character) was your favorite so far!

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