Real Estate Campaign: How To

This last year, and continuing into this year-I started helping two great agents I know with a Real Estate campaign. You know those flyers that come in your mail with your bills, from agents you know and then a whole bunch of agents you thought you would of seen before maybe? Well, we decided to join the movement but lead the revolution in making something different! Here's a couple of things I learned.


We almost thought, and if we had not been very focused with the design and targets, that our mailers would be ineffective but we got one call and one email. More action would be nice, and yet there are many mailers that get no action, so we take it one step at a time! Curiously though, this made me wonder if you were going to start a campaign in this time-do it in the form of Christmas cards! How fun would that be!

Now door knocking is the cheapest way to get leads, so if you printed the flyers and then delivered them, that would be good too-but we are going off of Mailers and Social Media, followed by calling when we get there, maybe an invite to an awesome Q and A event. We did a custom design, as I always place an importance on something being very focused and purposeful to achieving your end goal, here is one of the flyers:

The other thing I did, which I was quite surprised to find on target (as far as audience goes) with action soon to come, is boosted posts on Facebook. For as much of our feed is Ad's targeted to us we can't turn off, I found the post we ended up doing to be unlike anything else I saw on Facebook, which is good. Below is a copy of the boosted post: 

If you are interested in doing this, let me know if I can help-otherwise have a plan, know who your target is, be willing to try something but don't get too far ahead of yourself in case you need to adjust your direction. We are going into Month 2 of the campaign and I will keep you guys updated on how it goes, keep an eye out for the mailer! See you next week!

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