Event Photography: How To

Welcome to my last How To blog...for now! This one is about Event Photography! I recently attended one of my friend's baby shower where I was asked to do the photos! It was cool being asked because there is nothing like your first and this was my first time being asked. A couple of things I learned, that I thought I knew, but really know now:

1. Visit the site beforehand, try a couple of test shots with and without flash. This way you will know if you need a little flash help up top, or multiple flash helps like construction lights.

2. I love to offer the photos edited, sent via a link within 24-48 hours, and also deliver/mail a flash drive with the photos once I take down the digital access. I also like to let people own their photos, it's their day, their memories, their sale-it's theirs let them have it and not have to worry about sharing it or reusing it.

3. Before you close out the deal via photo delivery or flash delivery-ask for a review, while it is still fresh in their mind. It's not they don't want to review you, its just that people are people, and it's easy to forget things.

4. Make sure you snack before you go, and go as a vendor not as a guest. If there is a great moment to be caught but you're worried about eating, you will miss great things. You can rest and eat when the photos are finished and being printed by family members.

5. You will not capture everything, be prepared for this and feel your way through the day to see what will most likely be more important to capture high res for the client. Every phone is a camera these days, someone will get something you miss in a low res version and it will all be ok.

6. I really like the idea of coming in with the value of the vendor and leaving with the value of a friend, if you can help set up in other ways or pack up when the affair is done, you should do so. We all partied, we all clean up.

7. Arrive early. These days if your going to throw a massive party, the organization of it is as much of an affair as the pinata is. Also you do not know if you will get stuck in traffic or might leave something and go back for it, and your early turns into on time.

8. Have fun with it. These photos, while being busy work for you, should be fun and reflect fun. Otherwise why did you take the photo in the first place?

I hope you enjoyed my How To month, next month I will be discussing all things Facebook. Who's ready?

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