Spirituality in Business: Clair Senses

This month will be about spirituality in business. Where does that even come from? Well, last year I got my wisdom teeth removed and had all this time resting where I needed something to do. So I decided to read into some aspects of my spirituality and found myself seeing very good aspects to be applied to business. So we will start with the clair senses.

Basically, it is believed that all are born with a 6th sense, a clair sense. This sense gives you clarity by connecting with the spirit world beyond the living world and comes to you in (at least) four major ways:

Clairvoyance: Seeing
Claircognizance: Mind
Clairsentience: Feeling
Clairaudience: Hearing

If you are firing on all cylinders, you will have one or all clair's going at once and hear all the messages being sent to you. If you are not, then you may be looking for a message and getting part of one or no message at all, and make a decision or move that ends up being bad news for you.
Image result for clair senses

Now, let's say you are the Business and the realm beyond you that you are connecting with is the realm of your customers. In this day and age especially, it is easy to hear the consumer or feel the consumer or be in the mind of the consumer. It can actually be a hard line to draw between listening to them too much or ignoring them completely. Everyone has power, whether you are providing the service or using the service, and it is each individuals choice in how they use that power. We can all be successful, but it is only together we will be successful.

So I suggesting here to be in touch with your realm and leave your senses open to receive all the information you need in order to make an informed decision or action. Also be sure to be using all your senses. One will end up being stronger than the other, but just because other are weaker does not mean they need to be ignored.

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