Custom Font

There is an emergence of change, have you noticed that most brands you knew that had both a text and image logo are dropping the image for the "modern and sleek" text only logo? There is also a lot of  TV shows having more unique names as icons for the show as the font is a custom or licensed font. Back in the day I remember a few basic fonts: Helvetica, Times New Roman, and Verdana. There are so many  now!

With Typography becoming a bigger thing, it is now more important than ever to find the right font for your business/application:
1) Fonts Market
This is a collection of free fonts, with hundreds to choose from. Also containing a nifty feature where you can preview your text in all the fonts to get a preview before download.

2) Da Font
This is my second favorite, it is actually the one I started using when I started getting into this years ago. This also has the option to give you a preview of your text, but you have to go into a subsection.

Recent Update: I have heard from a reader that some of the fonts are not for commercial use and below is a site with commercial use friendly fonts: 

I am only going to provide two, where in other blogs I have provided more than two resources, because looking through fonts is actually really fun and can be a distracting part of the job if you are not careful. Should you not find something your looking for, or think you can do it better-make your own font!


1) Calligraphr
To make your own font, you would sign up for an account and download a sheet. You can print it out and fill it out or use a touch screen computer:
You would then upload it to your account and then get to download a true type font file and install it on your computer. All your programs, even your Microsoft Word, will recognize this as a font. This is useful for also putting your touch on all pieces of marketing by essentially digitally writing them all.

If you are going to go the custom route, please be sure to give it some time and be open to doing a second round-as you would be surprised how many things you may want to do differently in the beginning stages once you see the font in action. Join me next week as go into custom Intro's and Outro's!

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