Zombie Marketing: Phase 3

Let's jump into Phase 3!

Zombie Marketing - Jack Larson
Phase 3: End of the First Pandemic Wave, What we can learn from the survivors

Fear paralyzes rational thought - and rational thought is the key to outsmarting a horde of cannibalistic killers.

Ch. 13: Leaders vs Naysers
The difference between the two relates to their psychological responses to Envy. Remember to Focus/Follow your leaders and do the opposite of what a Naysayer says.

Ch. 14: Surviving the Siege
You have the choice in a Zombie Apocalypse to go solo or form a band. Both have pro's and con's. Remember, no guts no glory - or - lots of guts and lots of glory!

Ch. 15: Rise Above the Crowd
Zombie Marketing is a balance of Achieving an acceptable status quo and going into battle with the motto "Win or Die Trying". In order to reach Market Distinction, you have to reject the herd mentality. This could be more described as the pursuit of uniqueness vs default conformity. Being definable is critical for maximizing word of mouth advertising.

Ch. 16: Find Your Death Ground
On your Death Ground, you win or you die-no in between. You should make your work area or desk your "Death Ground".

Join me next week for Phase 4! What did you think of Phase 3?

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