To Poll or not to Poll: Facebook

Facebook? More Facebook? Yes, but this is different. This week and next week we are going to compare two social media platforms for the same service: Polls. Since we have been talking about Facebook, I thought we might as well start with it.

Before all that though, you may be wondering-why would you do a poll? There are a lot of good reasons why you may want to:
1. It is a great way to get interaction from your audience.
2. There is a charm to being included but not being named. 
3. Anything in the planning process put in the poll can get feedback.
and so many more reasons! 

So, let's say you are going to start a poll on Facebook. Let's start in at our handy dandy news feed screen, and act as if we are going to start a post...look at all you options...and let's start our poll. 

So we start with our question, and per this platform you only get two answers-so this can limit what you would like to poll. You would write in Answer A and Answer B-with the option to upload your own photo...or have some fun with it and pick a GIF to be the representation of the answer. Pick your time frame, a week is usually good amount of time for a poll, and let it go! You can not see the results until the time has concluded-but those who participate in the poll can see the overall results once they put in their vote. 

So where else would one poll? Why, no where else but Twitter! Join me next week as we compare polling on Twitter! (BTW-Who likes my Johnny Bravo in my poll?) 

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