Rebranding:Nature's Bakery Case Study

Now, I do not want anyone reading last week's blog and thinking I need to redo my branding. It is very possible that you need to or should. But if you are going to do it, be careful and do it right. Let me tell you a story.

I am mostly vegan and when I go grocery shopping Costco is one of my stops, for bulk items. Snacks are very important and one of our go to snacks is Nature's Bakery Fig Bars. While things may move in Costco, as long as you know where it generally should be and what the branding looks like, you can find it. But what happens when the branding changes and not enough marketing was done to let your customers know what to look for? Let's talk re-branding.

Before and After

Before and After

So, our before is brown and after is pink (for this particular flavor). On the back, layout is similar with change of branding being the only real change. On the front though, you could easily see how someone who was looking for the before and could not find the before, and thought maybe I would look for the logo-and still not find it. Assuming I don't have a husband who finds it on the next trip, as a consumer I would of just replaced it with a similar snack-the fig bar industry is a crowded one.



Let's break this down a bit:
Font: There is no consistent font between before and after
Colors: No color found on the before is really found on the after.
Logo: Logo had been revamped from Before to After.

Image result for apple adStyle is actually very reminiscent of Apple's simple and color bold design, which soon after it came out started to get emulated by most companies out there. And yet if you want to do a major redesign and you think it will be better, properly educate your customers with a commercial or two-I know the true cost of re-branding. If you compare that with the cost of a lost customer though-it is worth a commercial or two. There are even $5 digital billboard ads out there these days.

So when you are choosing to re-brand, be sure to properly educate your consumers of the new look and write that into your budget. There are ways to do that for very inexpensive. Try to use elements of your previous look or at least keep the logo the same. Make sure to think from the point of view of the consumer and make sure that if you are looking for it, you can find it. If they can't find it, they can't buy it.

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