Testimonial Review: SCOTTeVEST

Now that we have established our customer service techniques, and have implemented them, we now are faced with Happy Customers. What now? Well, now that we have them here-we ask for Testimonials. Think about it, what major item do you buy without doing research? Not much these days, and how much of that research is testimonials? At least 50%. So in our process, we have a happy customer and we ask for a review of how we did.

The next business I want to review is SCOTTeVEST. Background for this decision is: I was looking for a jacket that was good for traveling but also was noticing for both me and my husband that we always needed more pockets than we had. Our colleague had just purchased one of these jackets and it was really nice on him, professional and functional.  So I picked one up for me and my husband. Inside the inner breast pocket was a 3x2 ziploc bag with cards. Testimonial cards.

Now if you break down what it is and what’s on there, it is a simple design on a business card that is a testimonial and asks for it or let’s you share it with others. Business cards are inexpensive, as far as anything goes, so you can get 500 for $10 and slip them in products or in mailers. They are great for growing brand awareness as well.
Breakdown: The front has a photo of the product, name of service/product, name/job title of the person giving the review. On the back, you have tag line/call to action, the review, and instructions on how they can leave a review.
My Fun Example of using that template
Another thing to note is, where you should have the testimonials go that you ask for and receive. I would suggest no more than 2-3 places for reviews, as that is easier to manage and easy for your customers to find to give you the review. Some options for that would be: Facebook business page, Yelp, Google Business listing, and on LinkedIn.

Let me know if  I can be of any help to you in getting this started for your business and I will see you next month for Photography and Video!

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