The Energy Bus (Rules 1-5)

Despite enjoying this book as a read, I find it only fitting that as soon as I start sparking things back to life-that it kicks off with The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon. This is one that I highly recommend purchasing and reading individually, and the link for it can be found on my Reading References page. Do not be surprised if you see Jon Gordon pop up again next year as we will be reading more of his books.

The Energy Bus Part 1:
This is a book that walks through the 10 rules of the Energy Bus but also plays them out in the story of George; a gentleman stressed at work, unhappy in marriage, and feels like life is beating down on him; and how him applying the rules helps his life transition to a more positive and enjoyable version!

Rule #1: Your The Driver of Your Bus
What is your vision of your life for your Health, your Work/Career/Job/Team, and your Relationship/Family? 

Rule #2: Desire, Vision, and Focus-move your bus in the right direction

Rule #3: Fuel your ride with Positive Energy

Rule #4: Invite people onto your bus, share your vision for the road

Rule #5: Don't waste your energy on those who don't want to get on your bus

Already right there, could be a lot to take in/need to do. It is crazy to think that some of us do not realize we are the driver of our bus, our life! And how many of us know what we actually want? Being positive is not a hard thing to do, but at times can seem the hardest thing to do. And then having enough courage to say this is what's happening and make it happen, something I actually worked very hard to overcome for my business in August. Finally, look out for the vampires! The people who waste your time and energy! 

Next week is Part 2, Rule 6-10. What do you think of part 1? See you next week! 

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