Ch.12 - Intro to Compose followed by Expert Composure

This week was focusing on How to Compose your photo, ideas that we now know as composing "rules" from studying the history of art and photographs. One of the rules, that I have heard of before but never dabbed into much, is the rule of thirds as seen here, where you would essentially grid your shot and put the points of interest where the lines meet. The other rules were to follow or create the flow of the path of the eye as it looks as your shot to curves and such.

Screenshot of the use of Rule of Thirds

The photos I took this week do involve my beloved zombies in the form of Center Stage, Three Item shot, and Vertical/Horizontal play. I decided to play with Vertical/Horizontal in the way that I staged a shot that reads one way, but that same shot in a vertical view tells a completely different story. All photos are on Pinterest! The Photoshop effect this week was cropping to help create a shot in case you can't crop it when taking the photo originally. 

Minecart Zombie is abandoning his friend stuck in the pipe, one zombie is about to get ran over by the pipe, and a brave zombie is fighting the guard at the front of the pipe! 

A zombie is fighting a guard at the entrance of a pipe while a Minecart zombie is planning a surprise overhead finishing move! 

The next chapter builds upon this chapter by experimenting with how much or how little information you have in your shot, now that we have mastered how to compose it, we get to delve deeper into what we are actually composing. Onward! 

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