Love, Death, and Robots: Season 1-Episodes 1-6

Speaking of SEO, most people have heard of Netflix's NSFW Anthology series. Whether it is because you are one of the 146.5 million subscribers of Netflix, or you subscribe to any one of the many magazines that have offered their two cents on Netflix's most recent experiment in streamed content. I personally have subscribed to Netflix since it came out years ago and really enjoyed watching this series, and am doing a review of it as a case study of SEO.

Let's review episodes 1-6 of 18:

Episode 1: Sonnies Edge

In the underground world of “beastie” fights, Sonnie is unbeatable – as long as she keeps her edge.

LDR Rating
Love: No
Death: Yes
Robots: Yes

Episode 2: Three Robots

Long after the fall of humanity, three robots embark on a sightseeing tour of a post-apocalyptic city.
LDR Rating
Love: No
Death: No
Robots: Yes

Episode 3: The Witness

After seeing a brutal murder, a woman flees from the killer of a surreal city. 
LDR Rating
Love: No
Death: Yes
Robots: Yes

Episode 4: Suits

A community of farmers use their homemade mechs to defend their families from an alien invasion. 
LDR Rating
Love: Yes
Death: Yes
Robots: Yes

Episode 5: Sucker of Souls

Unleased by an archaeological dig, a bloodthirsty demon battles a team of mercenaries armed with…cats?
LDR Rating
Love: No
Death: Yes
Robots: No

Episode 6: When The Yogurt Took Over
After scientists accidently breed super-intelligent yogurt, it soon hungers for world domination. 
LDR Rating
Love: No
Death: Yes
Robots: Yes

I in this review, will basically tell the episode but leave enough untold that when you choose to watch it, it is still mostly a surprise. I actually really like the rating of LDR-as it is interesting me to how a series called "Love, Death, and Robots" can play with one, two, or three elements of that within each episode. Let me know your thoughts if you start watching it, and let me know your thoughts! Join me next week as we discuss episodes 7-12!

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