Goal Setting for 2019: P2 (Results)

So, who had totally different answers this year versus last year? I know I did, you can go back to my 2018 response blog and see for your self. Last week we talked about a pre-activity to goal setting for 2019....do you have your our answers ready for this week? My answers are below:

My Answers from P1
Know Oneself: Where I thought my limitations were concrete, I found out they were putty with the right attitude and effort.

Mission: To stand up for myself, but help others stand up for what they believe and are willing to work for.

Vision: To structure my business to help all it is supposed to help.

Values: Family (Existing and soon to come), Honesty, and Integrity

Beliefs: I believe in blending an old fashioned way of doing things with modern technology.

Perspective: Being open minded, but definitive in knowing and doing what I need to do.

My 2019 Goals based on this:
Life Goal: Health wise, I am planning to take massive follow up action to build upon already made decisions to see some awesome results next year.

Personal Goal: Spiritually, I am growing faster than I actually have the time to work on it-so I will make a Meditation Shed happen and force that time to happen on my schedule.

Business Goal: I am setting up my business so that anything I am personally working on blows up with success, or that I take on every client in the world! Or both, who knows!

Financial Goal: While some debt is gone, some remains. Debt can be a good thing, depending on how much you make or taxes or interest rate-but if possible I would love to pay my dream car off next year.

It is important to not just have one goal, but one goal for every part of our lives. A big life has more than just family or business or health, but a grand messy mix of all of them! Feel free to share your answers, or contact me if you need help setting some goals! Let's make 2019 our best year ever!

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